Welcome to the Walnut Creek Slackware Linux 2.3.0 CD-ROM!

README.TXT         The Walnut Creek Slackware CDROM Readme file.
                   Some directories on this cdrom aren't accessable from
                   the MSDOS view program.  READ THIS FILE FIRST!
                   It will tell how to generate boot and root floppy
                   discs needed to install Slackware Linux.

                   BOOT AND ROOT DISKS:

                   You'll need to make one boot and one root disk before you
                   can install Linux on your machine.  You can make these
                   disks directly from the VIEW program by moving into the
                   directories below.

bootdsks.12/       The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") bootdisks for installation.
bootdsks.144/      The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") bootdisks for installation.
rootdsks.12/       The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") rootdisks for installation.
rootdsks.144/      The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") rootdisks for installation.

BOOTING            This file contains information about how to fix a system
                   that won't boot.

INSTALL.TXT        Matt Welsh's Linux Installation HOWTO.
                   This is a document explaining how to install Linux.  It's
                   geared more toward obtaining and installing Slackware from
                   the Internet FTP site, but still contains useful information
                   for the Linux beginner.

LOWMEM.TXT         What to do if you run into problems due to low memory.

SLAKWARE.FAQ       Solutions to frequently encountered problems.

contents/          A list of the files in each installable software package.

contrib/           This directory contains extra packages for Slackware, such
                   as the Andrew User Interface System, GNU Fortran 77, GNU
                   Common LISP, GNU gnat (Ada), GNU Pascal, NCSA httpd, ircII,
                   Lucid Emacs, troff source for the manual pages, SLiRP (a
                   program you can run on a remote Unix host to emulate a
                   SLIP/CSLIP account), and more.

docs/              This directory contains the full set of Linux HOWTOs, 
                   documents that cover most common Linux maintenance tasks.
                   In addition, you'll find documentation for the MS-DOS 
                   VIEW.EXE program, plus our catalog in several languages.

filename.txt       A list of all file names on the disc.
install/           This directory contains RAWRITE, GZIP, and FIPS.  These
                   are tools that you might find handy if you're running 
                   MS-DOS.  GZIP is a Unix-compatible compession/decompression
                   utility.  RAWRITE allows you to dump a disk image file onto
                   a floppy disk.  FIPS lets you shrink the size of an existing
                   MS-DOS partition to make room for a Linux partition.